RAP 0.4 Degree Eastern North Pacific Analysis/Forecasts
Available Data Dates:
rap.20240912 rap.20240911
Available Files (file size):
Click on a level name to show the variables that match that level. Variables that are specific to that level will be underlined and highlighted in yellow.
Click the checkbox to the left of a level name to select that level for the gribfilter download request.
Click the "Check Highlighted" button to check the checkbox of every underlined/highlighted level.
(The levels are underlined/highlighted by clicking on a variable name.)
Check "all" to download all levels. When "all" is checked, it does not matter if any other levels are checked - all levels are included.
Note that the gribfilter download request only includes levels that are checked.
Underlined/highlighted level names that are not checked are not included.
Note that some levels are not specific to any variable. To get data for these levels, click on "all" variables.
Hover over a variable abbreviation to display the full variable name.
Click on a variable name to find the levels that match that variable.
Levels that are specific to that variable will be underlined and highlighted in yellow.
Click on the checkbox to the left of a variable abbreviation to select that variable for the gribfilter download request.
Click the "Check Highlighted" button to check the checkbox of every underlined/highlighted variable.
(The variables are underlined/highlighted by clicking on a level name.)
Note that the gribfilter download request only includes variables that are checked.
Underlined/highlighted variables that are not checked are not included in the gribfilter request.
Check "all" to download all variables. When "all" is checked, it does not matter
if any other variables are checked - all variables are included in the request.
Note that some variables are not specific to any layer. To get data for these variables, click on "all" variables.