GrADS Data Server - top level - nam - nam20241116 - nam_crb_06z

GrADS Data Server - info for /nam/nam20241116/nam_crb_06z : dds  das


Caribbean AFWA grid 3-hour NAM forecast starting from 06Z16nov2024, downloaded Nov 16 08:38 UTC
Documentation: (none provided)
260.00000000000°E to 299.85200000000°E
 (370 points, avg. res. 0.108°)
0.13800000000°N to 30.05400000000°N
 (278 points, avg. res. 0.108°)
1000.00000000000 to 2.00000000000
 (45 points, avg. res. 22.682)
06Z16NOV2024 to 18Z19NOV2024
 (29 points, avg. res. 0.125 days)
(total of 98)
** (1000 975 950 925 900.. 20 10 7 5 2) cloud ice [kg/m^2]
** 180-0 mb above ground best (4 layer) lifted index [k]
** surface convective precipitation [kg/m^2]
** surface total precipitation [kg/m^2]
** surface convective available potential energy [j/kg]
** 180-0 mb above ground convective available potential energy [j/kg]
** 255-0 mb above ground convective available potential energy [j/kg]
** surface categorical freezing rain [-]
** surface categorical ice pellets [-]
** surface convective inhibition [j/kg]
** 180-0 mb above ground convective inhibition [j/kg]
** 255-0 mb above ground convective inhibition [j/kg]
** (1000 975 950 925 900.. 20 10 7 5 2) cloud mixing ratio [kg/kg]
** surface categorical rain [-]
** surface categorical snow [-]
** surface downward long-wave rad. flux [w/m^2]
** (1000 850 700 500 400 300) dew point temperature [k]
** surface downward short-wave radiation flux [w/m^2]
** surface downward short-wave radiation flux [w/m^2]
** (1000 975 950 925 900.. 20 10 7 5 2) vertical velocity (geometric) [m/s]
** surface frictional velocity [m/s]
** surface geopotential height [gpm]
** (1000 975 950 925 900.. 20 10 7 5 2) geopotential height [gpm]
** cloud base geopotential height [gpm]
** cloud ceiling geopotential height [gpm]
** cloud top geopotential height [gpm]
** surface planetary boundary layer height [m]
** surface ice cover [proportion]
** surface land cover (0=sea, 1=land) [proportion]
** 500-1000 mb surface lifted index [k]
** surface latent heat net flux [w/m^2]
** surface latent heat net flux [w/m^2]
** 850 mb horizontal moisture divergence [kg/kg/s]
** 950 mb horizontal moisture divergence [kg/kg/s]
** mean sea level mslp (eta model reduction) [pa]
** 0-1 m below ground moisture availability [%]
** surface planetary boundary layer regime [-]
** surface potential temperature [k]
** surface pressure [pa]
** top of atmosphere pressure [pa]
** mean sea level pressure reduced to msl [pa]
** entire atmosphere (considered as a single layer) precipitable water [kg/m^2]
** entire atmosphere (considered as a single layer) composite reflectivity [db]
** 4000 m above ground reflectivity [db]
** 1000 m above ground reflectivity [db]
** 1 hybrid level reflectivity [db]
** entire atmosphere (considered as a single layer) echo top [m]
** (1000 975 950 925 900.. 20 10 7 5 2) relative humidity [%]
** 2 m above ground relative humidity [%]
** (1000 975 950 925 900.. 125 100 75 50 30) rime factor [non-dim]
** (1000 975 950 925 900.. 20 10 7 5 2) rain mixing ratio [kg/kg]
** surface sensible heat net flux [w/m^2]
** surface sensible heat net flux [w/m^2]
** surface snow-free albedo [%]
** (1000 975 950 925 900.. 20 10 7 5 2) snow mixing ratio [kg/kg]
** surface snow depth [m]
** surface snow cover [%]
** 0-0.1 m below ground liquid volumetric soil moisture (non frozen) [proportion]
** 0.1-0.4 m below ground liquid volumetric soil moisture (non frozen) [proportion]
** 0.4-1 m below ground liquid volumetric soil moisture (non frozen) [proportion]
** 1-2 m below ground liquid volumetric soil moisture (non frozen) [proportion]
** 0-2 m below ground soil moisture content [kg/m^2]
** 0-0.1 m below ground volumetric soil moisture content [fraction]
** 0.1-0.4 m below ground volumetric soil moisture content [fraction]
** 0.4-1 m below ground volumetric soil moisture content [fraction]
** 1-2 m below ground volumetric soil moisture content [fraction]
** surface soil type [-]
** (1000 975 950 925 900.. 20 10 7 5 2) specific humidity [kg/kg]
** entire atmosphere (considered as a single layer) total cloud cover [%]
** entire atmosphere (considered as a single layer) total column-integrated condensate [kg/m^2]
** entire atmosphere (considered as a single layer) total column-integrated cloud ice [kg/m^2]
** entire atmosphere (considered as a single layer) total column integrated rain [kg/m^2]
** entire atmosphere (considered as a single layer) total column integrated snow [kg/m^2]
** entire atmosphere (considered as a single layer) total column-integrated cloud water [kg/m^2]
** (1000 975 950 925 900.. 20 10 7 5 2) turbulent kinetic energy [j/kg]
** surface temperature [k]
** (1000 975 950 925 900.. 20 10 7 5 2) temperature [k]
** 2 m above ground temperature [k]
** 0-0.1 m below ground soil temperature validation to deprecate [k]
** 0.1-0.4 m below ground soil temperature validation to deprecate [k]
** 0.4-1 m below ground soil temperature validation to deprecate [k]
** 1-2 m below ground soil temperature validation to deprecate [k]
** 3 m underground soil temperature validation to deprecate [k]
** (1000 975 950 925 900.. 20 10 7 5 2) temperature tendency by all radiation [k/s]
** (1000 975 950 925 900.. 20 10 7 5 2) u-component of wind [m/s]
** 10 m above ground u-component of wind [m/s]
** surface upward long-wave rad. flux [w/m^2]
** surface upward short-wave radiation flux [w/m^2]
** surface upward short-wave radiation flux [w/m^2]
** surface vegetation [%]
** (1000 975 950 925 900.. 20 10 7 5 2) v-component of wind [m/s]
** 10 m above ground v-component of wind [m/s]
** surface vegetation type [integer(0-13)]
** surface visibility [m]
** (1000 975 950 925 900.. 20 10 7 5 2) vertical velocity (pressure) [pa/s]
** surface water equivalent of accumulated snow depth [kg/m^2]
** surface water equivalent of accumulated snow depth [kg/m^2]
** surface water temperature [k]

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complete metadata listing:

Global attributes:

title: "Caribbean AFWA grid 3-hour NAM forecast starting from 06Z16nov2024, downloaded Nov 16 08:38 UTC"
Conventions: "COARDS"
dataType: "Grid"
history: "Mon Nov 18 03:12:15 UTC 2024 : imported by GrADS Data Server 2.0"


ciceprs: Grid
_FillValue: 9.999E20
missing_value: 9.999E20
long_name: "** (1000 975 950 925 900.. 20 10 7 5 2) cloud ice [kg/m^2] "
ciceprs: Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..28][lev = 0..44][lat = 0..277][lon = 0..369]
_FillValue: 9.999E20
missing_value: 9.999E20
long_name: "** (1000 975 950 925 900.. 20 10 7 5 2) cloud ice [kg/m^2] "
time: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..28]
grads_dim: "t"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "29"
grads_min: "06z16nov2024"
grads_step: "3hr"
units: "days since 1-1-1 00:00:0.0"
long_name: "time"
minimum: "06z16nov2024"
maximum: "18z19nov2024"
resolution: 0.125
lev: Array of 64 bit Reals [lev = 0..44]
grads_dim: "z"
grads_mapping: "levels"
units: "millibar"
long_name: "altitude"
minimum: 1000.00000000000
maximum: 2.00000000000
resolution: 22.681818
lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [lat = 0..277]
grads_dim: "y"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "278"
units: "degrees_north"
long_name: "latitude"
minimum: 0.13800000000
maximum: 30.05400000000
resolution: 0.108
lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [lon = 0..369]
grads_dim: "x"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "370"
units: "degrees_east"
long_name: "longitude"
minimum: 260.00000000000
maximum: 299.85200000000
resolution: 0.108
no4lftx180_0mb: Grid
_FillValue: 9.999E20
missing_value: 9.999E20
long_name: "** 180-0 mb above ground best (4 layer) lifted index [k] "
no4lftx180_0mb: Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..28][lat = 0..277][lon = 0..369]
_FillValue: 9.999E20
missing_value: 9.999E20
long_name: "** 180-0 mb above ground best (4 layer) lifted index [k] "
time: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..28]
grads_dim: "t"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "29"
grads_min: "06z16nov2024"
grads_step: "3hr"
units: "days since 1-1-1 00:00:0.0"
long_name: "time"
minimum: "06z16nov2024"
maximum: "18z19nov2024"
resolution: 0.125
lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [lat = 0..277]
grads_dim: "y"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "278"
units: "degrees_north"
long_name: "latitude"
minimum: 0.13800000000
maximum: 30.05400000000
resolution: 0.108
lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [lon = 0..369]
grads_dim: "x"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "370"
units: "degrees_east"
long_name: "longitude"
minimum: 260.00000000000
maximum: 299.85200000000
resolution: 0.108
acpcpsfc: Grid
_FillValue: 9.999E20
missing_value: 9.999E20
long_name: "** surface convective precipitation [kg/m^2] "
acpcpsfc: Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..28][lat = 0..277][lon = 0..369]
_FillValue: 9.999E20
missing_value: 9.999E20
long_name: "** surface convective precipitation [kg/m^2] "
time: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..28]
grads_dim: "t"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "29"
grads_min: "06z16nov2024"
grads_step: "3hr"
units: "days since 1-1-1 00:00:0.0"
long_name: "time"
minimum: "06z16nov2024"
maximum: "18z19nov2024"
resolution: 0.125
lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [lat = 0..277]
grads_dim: "y"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "278"
units: "degrees_north"
long_name: "latitude"
minimum: 0.13800000000
maximum: 30.05400000000
resolution: 0.108
lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [lon = 0..369]
grads_dim: "x"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "370"
units: "degrees_east"
long_name: "longitude"
minimum: 260.00000000000
maximum: 299.85200000000
resolution: 0.108
apcpsfc: Grid
_FillValue: 9.999E20
missing_value: 9.999E20
long_name: "** surface total precipitation [kg/m^2] "
apcpsfc: Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..28][lat = 0..277][lon = 0..369]
_FillValue: 9.999E20
missing_value: 9.999E20
long_name: "** surface total precipitation [kg/m^2] "
time: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..28]
grads_dim: "t"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "29"
grads_min: "06z16nov2024"
grads_step: "3hr"
units: "days since 1-1-1 00:00:0.0"
long_name: "time"
minimum: "06z16nov2024"
maximum: "18z19nov2024"
resolution: 0.125
lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [lat = 0..277]
grads_dim: "y"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "278"
units: "degrees_north"
long_name: "latitude"
minimum: 0.13800000000
maximum: 30.05400000000
resolution: 0.108
lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [lon = 0..369]
grads_dim: "x"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "370"
units: "degrees_east"
long_name: "longitude"
minimum: 260.00000000000
maximum: 299.85200000000
resolution: 0.108
capesfc: Grid
_FillValue: 9.999E20
missing_value: 9.999E20
long_name: "** surface convective available potential energy [j/kg] "
capesfc: Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..28][lat = 0..277][lon = 0..369]
_FillValue: 9.999E20
missing_value: 9.999E20
long_name: "** surface convective available potential energy [j/kg] "
time: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..28]
grads_dim: "t"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "29"
grads_min: "06z16nov2024"
grads_step: "3hr"
units: "days since 1-1-1 00:00:0.0"
long_name: "time"
minimum: "06z16nov2024"
maximum: "18z19nov2024"
resolution: 0.125
lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [lat = 0..277]
grads_dim: "y"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "278"
units: "degrees_north"
long_name: "latitude"
minimum: 0.13800000000
maximum: 30.05400000000
resolution: 0.108
lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [lon = 0..369]
grads_dim: "x"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "370"
units: "degrees_east"
long_name: "longitude"
minimum: 260.00000000000
maximum: 299.85200000000
resolution: 0.108
cape180_0mb: Grid
_FillValue: 9.999E20
missing_value: 9.999E20
long_name: "** 180-0 mb above ground convective available potential energy [j/kg] "
cape180_0mb: Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..28][lat = 0..277][lon = 0..369]
_FillValue: 9.999E20
missing_value: 9.999E20
long_name: "** 180-0 mb above ground convective available potential energy [j/kg] "
time: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..28]
grads_dim: "t"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "29"
grads_min: "06z16nov2024"
grads_step: "3hr"
units: "days since 1-1-1 00:00:0.0"
long_name: "time"
minimum: "06z16nov2024"
maximum: "18z19nov2024"
resolution: 0.125
lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [lat = 0..277]
grads_dim: "y"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "278"
units: "degrees_north"
long_name: "latitude"
minimum: 0.13800000000
maximum: 30.05400000000
resolution: 0.108
lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [lon = 0..369]
grads_dim: "x"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "370"
units: "degrees_east"
long_name: "longitude"
minimum: 260.00000000000
maximum: 299.85200000000
resolution: 0.108
cape255_0mb: Grid
_FillValue: 9.999E20
missing_value: 9.999E20
long_name: "** 255-0 mb above ground convective available potential energy [j/kg] "
cape255_0mb: Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..28][lat = 0..277][lon = 0..369]
_FillValue: 9.999E20
missing_value: 9.999E20
long_name: "** 255-0 mb above ground convective available potential energy [j/kg] "
time: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..28]
grads_dim: "t"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "29"
grads_min: "06z16nov2024"
grads_step: "3hr"
units: "days since 1-1-1 00:00:0.0"
long_name: "time"
minimum: "06z16nov2024"
maximum: "18z19nov2024"
resolution: 0.125
lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [lat = 0..277]
grads_dim: "y"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "278"
units: "degrees_north"
long_name: "latitude"
minimum: 0.13800000000
maximum: 30.05400000000
resolution: 0.108
lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [lon = 0..369]
grads_dim: "x"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "370"
units: "degrees_east"
long_name: "longitude"
minimum: 260.00000000000
maximum: 299.85200000000
resolution: 0.108
cfrzrsfc: Grid
_FillValue: 9.999E20
missing_value: 9.999E20
long_name: "** surface categorical freezing rain [-] "
cfrzrsfc: Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..28][lat = 0..277][lon = 0..369]
_FillValue: 9.999E20
missing_value: 9.999E20
long_name: "** surface categorical freezing rain [-] "
time: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..28]
grads_dim: "t"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "29"
grads_min: "06z16nov2024"
grads_step: "3hr"
units: "days since 1-1-1 00:00:0.0"
long_name: "time"
minimum: "06z16nov2024"
maximum: "18z19nov2024"
resolution: 0.125
lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [lat = 0..277]
grads_dim: "y"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "278"
units: "degrees_north"
long_name: "latitude"
minimum: 0.13800000000
maximum: 30.05400000000
resolution: 0.108
lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [lon = 0..369]
grads_dim: "x"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "370"
units: "degrees_east"
long_name: "longitude"
minimum: 260.00000000000
maximum: 299.85200000000
resolution: 0.108
cicepsfc: Grid
_FillValue: 9.999E20
missing_value: 9.999E20
long_name: "** surface categorical ice pellets [-] "
cicepsfc: Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..28][lat = 0..277][lon = 0..369]
_FillValue: 9.999E20
missing_value: 9.999E20
long_name: "** surface categorical ice pellets [-] "
time: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..28]
grads_dim: "t"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "29"
grads_min: "06z16nov2024"
grads_step: "3hr"
units: "days since 1-1-1 00:00:0.0"
long_name: "time"
minimum: "06z16nov2024"
maximum: "18z19nov2024"
resolution: 0.125
lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [lat = 0..277]
grads_dim: "y"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "278"
units: "degrees_north"
long_name: "latitude"
minimum: 0.13800000000
maximum: 30.05400000000
resolution: 0.108
lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [lon = 0..369]
grads_dim: "x"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "370"
units: "degrees_east"
long_name: "longitude"
minimum: 260.00000000000
maximum: 299.85200000000
resolution: 0.108
cinsfc: Grid
_FillValue: 9.999E20
missing_value: 9.999E20
long_name: "** surface convective inhibition [j/kg] "
cinsfc: Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..28][lat = 0..277][lon = 0..369]
_FillValue: 9.999E20
missing_value: 9.999E20
long_name: "** surface convective inhibition [j/kg] "
time: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..28]
grads_dim: "t"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "29"
grads_min: "06z16nov2024"
grads_step: "3hr"
units: "days since 1-1-1 00:00:0.0"
long_name: "time"
minimum: "06z16nov2024"
maximum: "18z19nov2024"
resolution: 0.125
lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [lat = 0..277]
grads_dim: "y"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "278"
units: "degrees_north"
long_name: "latitude"
minimum: 0.13800000000
maximum: 30.05400000000
resolution: 0.108
lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [lon = 0..369]
grads_dim: "x"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "370"
units: "degrees_east"
long_name: "longitude"
minimum: 260.00000000000
maximum: 299.85200000000
resolution: 0.108
cin180_0mb: Grid
_FillValue: 9.999E20
missing_value: 9.999E20
long_name: "** 180-0 mb above ground convective inhibition [j/kg] "
cin180_0mb: Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..28][lat = 0..277][lon = 0..369]
_FillValue: 9.999E20
missing_value: 9.999E20
long_name: "** 180-0 mb above ground convective inhibition [j/kg] "
time: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..28]
grads_dim: "t"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "29"
grads_min: "06z16nov2024"
grads_step: "3hr"
units: "days since 1-1-1 00:00:0.0"
long_name: "time"
minimum: "06z16nov2024"
maximum: "18z19nov2024"
resolution: 0.125
lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [lat = 0..277]
grads_dim: "y"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "278"
units: "degrees_north"
long_name: "latitude"
minimum: 0.13800000000
maximum: 30.05400000000
resolution: 0.108
lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [lon = 0..369]
grads_dim: "x"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "370"
units: "degrees_east"
long_name: "longitude"
minimum: 260.00000000000
maximum: 299.85200000000
resolution: 0.108
cin255_0mb: Grid
_FillValue: 9.999E20
missing_value: 9.999E20
long_name: "** 255-0 mb above ground convective inhibition [j/kg] "
cin255_0mb: Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..28][lat = 0..277][lon = 0..369]
_FillValue: 9.999E20
missing_value: 9.999E20
long_name: "** 255-0 mb above ground convective inhibition [j/kg] "
time: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..28]
grads_dim: "t"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "29"
grads_min: "06z16nov2024"
grads_step: "3hr"
units: "days since 1-1-1 00:00:0.0"
long_name: "time"
minimum: "06z16nov2024"
maximum: "18z19nov2024"
resolution: 0.125
lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [lat = 0..277]
grads_dim: "y"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "278"
units: "degrees_north"
long_name: "latitude"
minimum: 0.13800000000
maximum: 30.05400000000
resolution: 0.108
lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [lon = 0..369]
grads_dim: "x"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "370"
units: "degrees_east"
long_name: "longitude"
minimum: 260.00000000000
maximum: 299.85200000000
resolution: 0.108
clwmrprs: Grid
_FillValue: 9.999E20
missing_value: 9.999E20
long_name: "** (1000 975 950 925 900.. 20 10 7 5 2) cloud mixing ratio [kg/kg] "
clwmrprs: Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..28][lev = 0..44][lat = 0..277][lon = 0..369]
_FillValue: 9.999E20
missing_value: 9.999E20
long_name: "** (1000 975 950 925 900.. 20 10 7 5 2) cloud mixing ratio [kg/kg] "
time: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..28]
grads_dim: "t"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "29"
grads_min: "06z16nov2024"
grads_step: "3hr"
units: "days since 1-1-1 00:00:0.0"
long_name: "time"
minimum: "06z16nov2024"
maximum: "18z19nov2024"
resolution: 0.125
lev: Array of 64 bit Reals [lev = 0..44]
grads_dim: "z"
grads_mapping: "levels"
units: "millibar"
long_name: "altitude"
minimum: 1000.00000000000
maximum: 2.00000000000
resolution: 22.681818
lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [lat = 0..277]
grads_dim: "y"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "278"
units: "degrees_north"
long_name: "latitude"
minimum: 0.13800000000
maximum: 30.05400000000
resolution: 0.108
lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [lon = 0..369]
grads_dim: "x"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "370"
units: "degrees_east"
long_name: "longitude"
minimum: 260.00000000000
maximum: 299.85200000000
resolution: 0.108
crainsfc: Grid
_FillValue: 9.999E20
missing_value: 9.999E20
long_name: "** surface categorical rain [-] "
crainsfc: Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..28][lat = 0..277][lon = 0..369]
_FillValue: 9.999E20
missing_value: 9.999E20
long_name: "** surface categorical rain [-] "
time: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..28]
grads_dim: "t"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "29"
grads_min: "06z16nov2024"
grads_step: "3hr"
units: "days since 1-1-1 00:00:0.0"
long_name: "time"
minimum: "06z16nov2024"
maximum: "18z19nov2024"
resolution: 0.125
lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [lat = 0..277]
grads_dim: "y"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "278"
units: "degrees_north"
long_name: "latitude"
minimum: 0.13800000000
maximum: 30.05400000000
resolution: 0.108
lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [lon = 0..369]
grads_dim: "x"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "370"
units: "degrees_east"
long_name: "longitude"
minimum: 260.00000000000
maximum: 299.85200000000
resolution: 0.108
csnowsfc: Grid
_FillValue: 9.999E20
missing_value: 9.999E20
long_name: "** surface categorical snow [-] "
csnowsfc: Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..28][lat = 0..277][lon = 0..369]
_FillValue: 9.999E20
missing_value: 9.999E20
long_name: "** surface categorical snow [-] "
time: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..28]
grads_dim: "t"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "29"
grads_min: "06z16nov2024"
grads_step: "3hr"
units: "days since 1-1-1 00:00:0.0"
long_name: "time"
minimum: "06z16nov2024"
maximum: "18z19nov2024"
resolution: 0.125
lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [lat = 0..277]
grads_dim: "y"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "278"
units: "degrees_north"
long_name: "latitude"
minimum: 0.13800000000
maximum: 30.05400000000
resolution: 0.108
lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [lon = 0..369]
grads_dim: "x"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "370"
units: "degrees_east"
long_name: "longitude"
minimum: 260.00000000000
maximum: 299.85200000000
resolution: 0.108
dlwrfsfc: Grid
_FillValue: 9.999E20
missing_value: 9.999E20
long_name: "** surface downward long-wave rad. flux [w/m^2] "
dlwrfsfc: Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..28][lat = 0..277][lon = 0..369]
_FillValue: 9.999E20
missing_value: 9.999E20
long_name: "** surface downward long-wave rad. flux [w/m^2] "
time: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..28]
grads_dim: "t"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "29"
grads_min: "06z16nov2024"
grads_step: "3hr"
units: "days since 1-1-1 00:00:0.0"
long_name: "time"
minimum: "06z16nov2024"
maximum: "18z19nov2024"
resolution: 0.125
lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [lat = 0..277]
grads_dim: "y"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "278"
units: "degrees_north"
long_name: "latitude"
minimum: 0.13800000000
maximum: 30.05400000000
resolution: 0.108
lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [lon = 0..369]
grads_dim: "x"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "370"
units: "degrees_east"
long_name: "longitude"
minimum: 260.00000000000
maximum: 299.85200000000
resolution: 0.108
dptprs: Grid
_FillValue: 9.999E20
missing_value: 9.999E20
long_name: "** (1000 850 700 500 400 300) dew point temperature [k] "
dptprs: Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..28][lev = 0..44][lat = 0..277][lon = 0..369]
_FillValue: 9.999E20
missing_value: 9.999E20
long_name: "** (1000 850 700 500 400 300) dew point temperature [k] "
time: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..28]
grads_dim: "t"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "29"
grads_min: "06z16nov2024"
grads_step: "3hr"
units: "days since 1-1-1 00:00:0.0"
long_name: "time"
minimum: "06z16nov2024"
maximum: "18z19nov2024"
resolution: 0.125
lev: Array of 64 bit Reals [lev = 0..44]
grads_dim: "z"
grads_mapping: "levels"
units: "millibar"
long_name: "altitude"
minimum: 1000.00000000000
maximum: 2.00000000000
resolution: 22.681818
lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [lat = 0..277]
grads_dim: "y"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "278"
units: "degrees_north"
long_name: "latitude"
minimum: 0.13800000000
maximum: 30.05400000000
resolution: 0.108
lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [lon = 0..369]
grads_dim: "x"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "370"
units: "degrees_east"
long_name: "longitude"
minimum: 260.00000000000
maximum: 299.85200000000
resolution: 0.108
dswrfavesfc: Grid
_FillValue: 9.999E20
missing_value: 9.999E20
long_name: "** surface downward short-wave radiation flux [w/m^2] "
dswrfavesfc: Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..28][lat = 0..277][lon = 0..369]
_FillValue: 9.999E20
missing_value: 9.999E20
long_name: "** surface downward short-wave radiation flux [w/m^2] "
time: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..28]
grads_dim: "t"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "29"
grads_min: "06z16nov2024"
grads_step: "3hr"
units: "days since 1-1-1 00:00:0.0"
long_name: "time"
minimum: "06z16nov2024"
maximum: "18z19nov2024"
resolution: 0.125
lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [lat = 0..277]
grads_dim: "y"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "278"
units: "degrees_north"
long_name: "latitude"
minimum: 0.13800000000
maximum: 30.05400000000
resolution: 0.108
lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [lon = 0..369]
grads_dim: "x"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "370"
units: "degrees_east"
long_name: "longitude"
minimum: 260.00000000000
maximum: 299.85200000000
resolution: 0.108
dswrfsfc: Grid
_FillValue: 9.999E20
missing_value: 9.999E20
long_name: "** surface downward short-wave radiation flux [w/m^2] "
dswrfsfc: Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..28][lat = 0..277][lon = 0..369]
_FillValue: 9.999E20
missing_value: 9.999E20
long_name: "** surface downward short-wave radiation flux [w/m^2] "
time: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..28]
grads_dim: "t"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "29"
grads_min: "06z16nov2024"
grads_step: "3hr"
units: "days since 1-1-1 00:00:0.0"
long_name: "time"
minimum: "06z16nov2024"
maximum: "18z19nov2024"
resolution: 0.125
lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [lat = 0..277]
grads_dim: "y"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "278"
units: "degrees_north"
long_name: "latitude"
minimum: 0.13800000000
maximum: 30.05400000000
resolution: 0.108
lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [lon = 0..369]
grads_dim: "x"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "370"
units: "degrees_east"
long_name: "longitude"
minimum: 260.00000000000
maximum: 299.85200000000
resolution: 0.108
dzdtprs: Grid
_FillValue: 9.999E20
missing_value: 9.999E20
long_name: "** (1000 975 950 925 900.. 20 10 7 5 2) vertical velocity (geometric) [m/s] "
dzdtprs: Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..28][lev = 0..44][lat = 0..277][lon = 0..369]
_FillValue: 9.999E20
missing_value: 9.999E20
long_name: "** (1000 975 950 925 900.. 20 10 7 5 2) vertical velocity (geometric) [m/s] "
time: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..28]
grads_dim: "t"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "29"
grads_min: "06z16nov2024"
grads_step: "3hr"
units: "days since 1-1-1 00:00:0.0"
long_name: "time"
minimum: "06z16nov2024"
maximum: "18z19nov2024"
resolution: 0.125
lev: Array of 64 bit Reals [lev = 0..44]
grads_dim: "z"
grads_mapping: "levels"
units: "millibar"
long_name: "altitude"
minimum: 1000.00000000000
maximum: 2.00000000000
resolution: 22.681818
lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [lat = 0..277]
grads_dim: "y"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "278"
units: "degrees_north"
long_name: "latitude"
minimum: 0.13800000000
maximum: 30.05400000000
resolution: 0.108
lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [lon = 0..369]
grads_dim: "x"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "370"
units: "degrees_east"
long_name: "longitude"
minimum: 260.00000000000
maximum: 299.85200000000
resolution: 0.108
fricvsfc: Grid
_FillValue: 9.999E20
missing_value: 9.999E20
long_name: "** surface frictional velocity [m/s] "
fricvsfc: Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..28][lat = 0..277][lon = 0..369]
_FillValue: 9.999E20
missing_value: 9.999E20
long_name: "** surface frictional velocity [m/s] "
time: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..28]
grads_dim: "t"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "29"
grads_min: "06z16nov2024"
grads_step: "3hr"
units: "days since 1-1-1 00:00:0.0"
long_name: "time"
minimum: "06z16nov2024"
maximum: "18z19nov2024"
resolution: 0.125
lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [lat = 0..277]
grads_dim: "y"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "278"
units: "degrees_north"
long_name: "latitude"
minimum: 0.13800000000
maximum: 30.05400000000
resolution: 0.108
lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [lon = 0..369]
grads_dim: "x"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "370"
units: "degrees_east"
long_name: "longitude"
minimum: 260.00000000000
maximum: 299.85200000000
resolution: 0.108
hgtsfc: Grid
_FillValue: 9.999E20
missing_value: 9.999E20
long_name: "** surface geopotential height [gpm] "
hgtsfc: Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..28][lat = 0..277][lon = 0..369]
_FillValue: 9.999E20
missing_value: 9.999E20
long_name: "** surface geopotential height [gpm] "
time: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..28]
grads_dim: "t"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "29"
grads_min: "06z16nov2024"
grads_step: "3hr"
units: "days since 1-1-1 00:00:0.0"
long_name: "time"
minimum: "06z16nov2024"
maximum: "18z19nov2024"
resolution: 0.125
lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [lat = 0..277]
grads_dim: "y"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "278"
units: "degrees_north"
long_name: "latitude"
minimum: 0.13800000000
maximum: 30.05400000000
resolution: 0.108
lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [lon = 0..369]
grads_dim: "x"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "370"
units: "degrees_east"
long_name: "longitude"
minimum: 260.00000000000
maximum: 299.85200000000
resolution: 0.108
hgtprs: Grid
_FillValue: 9.999E20
missing_value: 9.999E20
long_name: "** (1000 975 950 925 900.. 20 10 7 5 2) geopotential height [gpm] "
hgtprs: Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..28][lev = 0..44][lat = 0..277][lon = 0..369]
_FillValue: 9.999E20
missing_value: 9.999E20
long_name: "** (1000 975 950 925 900.. 20 10 7 5 2) geopotential height [gpm] "
time: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..28]
grads_dim: "t"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "29"
grads_min: "06z16nov2024"
grads_step: "3hr"
units: "days since 1-1-1 00:00:0.0"
long_name: "time"
minimum: "06z16nov2024"
maximum: "18z19nov2024"
resolution: 0.125
lev: Array of 64 bit Reals [lev = 0..44]
grads_dim: "z"
grads_mapping: "levels"
units: "millibar"
long_name: "altitude"
minimum: 1000.00000000000
maximum: 2.00000000000
resolution: 22.681818
lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [lat = 0..277]
grads_dim: "y"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "278"
units: "degrees_north"
long_name: "latitude"
minimum: 0.13800000000
maximum: 30.05400000000
resolution: 0.108
lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [lon = 0..369]
grads_dim: "x"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "370"
units: "degrees_east"
long_name: "longitude"
minimum: 260.00000000000
maximum: 299.85200000000
resolution: 0.108
hgtclb: Grid
_FillValue: 9.999E20
missing_value: 9.999E20
long_name: "** cloud base geopotential height [gpm] "
hgtclb: Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..28][lat = 0..277][lon = 0..369]
_FillValue: 9.999E20
missing_value: 9.999E20
long_name: "** cloud base geopotential height [gpm] "
time: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..28]
grads_dim: "t"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "29"
grads_min: "06z16nov2024"
grads_step: "3hr"
units: "days since 1-1-1 00:00:0.0"
long_name: "time"
minimum: "06z16nov2024"
maximum: "18z19nov2024"
resolution: 0.125
lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [lat = 0..277]
grads_dim: "y"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "278"
units: "degrees_north"
long_name: "latitude"
minimum: 0.13800000000
maximum: 30.05400000000
resolution: 0.108
lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [lon = 0..369]
grads_dim: "x"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "370"
units: "degrees_east"
long_name: "longitude"
minimum: 260.00000000000
maximum: 299.85200000000
resolution: 0.108
hgtceil: Grid
_FillValue: 9.999E20
missing_value: 9.999E20
long_name: "** cloud ceiling geopotential height [gpm] "
hgtceil: Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..28][lat = 0..277][lon = 0..369]
_FillValue: 9.999E20
missing_value: 9.999E20
long_name: "** cloud ceiling geopotential height [gpm] "
time: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..28]
grads_dim: "t"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "29"
grads_min: "06z16nov2024"
grads_step: "3hr"
units: "days since 1-1-1 00:00:0.0"
long_name: "time"
minimum: "06z16nov2024"
maximum: "18z19nov2024"
resolution: 0.125
lat: Array of 64 bit Reals [lat = 0..277]
grads_dim: "y"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "278"
units: "degrees_north"
long_name: "latitude"
minimum: 0.13800000000
maximum: 30.05400000000
resolution: 0.108
lon: Array of 64 bit Reals [lon = 0..369]
grads_dim: "x"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "370"
units: "degrees_east"
long_name: "longitude"
minimum: 260.00000000000
maximum: 299.85200000000
resolution: 0.108
hgtclt: Grid
_FillValue: 9.999E20
missing_value: 9.999E20
long_name: "** cloud top geopotential height [gpm] "
hgtclt: Array of 32 bit Reals [time = 0..28][lat = 0..277][lon = 0..369]
_FillValue: 9.999E20
missing_value: 9.999E20
long_name: "** cloud top geopotential height [gpm] "
time: Array of 64 bit Reals [time = 0..28]
grads_dim: "t"
grads_mapping: "linear"
grads_size: "29"
grads_min: "06z16nov2024"
grads_step: "3hr"
units: "days since 1-1-1 00:00:0.0"
long_name: "time"
minimum: "06z16nov2024"